apple muse cider logo mock up
This logo is currently for sale
uptown room wine and tapas bar logo mock up
This logo is currently for sale
aurora luxe logo design
This logo is currently for sale

Reimagining brands

I took a peek at the current branding for the following products and thought, "What if they hired me?"
I had a blast imagining their creations through my own lens and voilà—here they are!
*None of these brands are using my works


Yeahbra rebrand

A Prague local, this brand taps into natural energy with a product that’s "Straight from Mother" Nature. Made from the herba plant, the energy drink’s name, "Yeahrba," blends "Herba" with "Yeah" for a rock 'n' roll vibe. I leaned into that by giving the branding a playful, rock-inspired style. I kept the iconic rock hand symbol in the logo and added bright colors to keep it fun, with fruit and herba as tattoos to tie it all together.

Chef Matty's Catering Co.

Cheff Matty rebrand

This catering company is owned by someone I’ve known since I was 12. When I saw his new logo, I couldn’t help but think, "How would I have done this?" Since he’s a family man, I included two L's in the ear to represent his sons. I chose to feature his face in the logo, making it stand out from typical food-themed designs. To match his bold cooking style, I used a gothic font, and since he's from Southwest Connecticut, I added Helvetica Neue to bring in a familiar vibe, inspired by the NYC Subway font nearby.


petrisimo rebrand

This was my first rebrand, I had seen this logo for well over a year before I decided to change it. It was not until I started to work on this logo did I realize that the red circle is a cookie with a bite taken out. I decided to not change much here, just the cookie.

New Business in Prague

Úplná Nula

The brand identity I created not only distinguishes Úplná Nula in the market but also aligns with its mission to promote a healthier, more conscious lifestyle. The design has resonated with the target audience, successfully positioning the brand as a leader in the emerging non-alcoholic beverage industry.

ÚPLNÁ NULA creation project thumbnail by Seven Twenty One Design
My Brand Breakdown

Seven Twenty One Design

Your brand is more than a logo and color palette, it is your products or services personality that you want to convey to the world. For me, my personality is about empowering your product or service.

Passion Project

Carnival Corpse Brewery

Carnival and horror always go together, but what about with beer? I absolutely love building the story of this brand. Take a look at what I have so far and be sure to come back for updates!


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